- Helping seriously ill children and their families
- Families of seriously ill children find long-term accommodation in 22 Ronald McDonald homes - 6 "oases" serve as little retreats within the hospitals
- Every individual person can play a part in helping create a more humane society
- The closeness of the families gives the little patients strength for the treatment
McDonald’s Kinderhilfe, a non-profit-making charitable organization, has been operating since 1987 in furthering the recovery and wellbeing of sick children. The Foundation seeks to make a meaningful additional contribution to the state health service, specifically to help seriously ill children and their families.
The McDonald’s Kinderhilfe promotes their health and wellbeing with two programs: Families find long-term accommodation in the 22 Ronald McDonald homes countrywide next to clinics where their sick children are being treated; McDonald’s Kinderhilfe also operates 6 Ronald McDonald Oases as family retreats next to the children’s clinics; and it has a promotional program supporting selected initiatives and projects which help the recovery and wellbeing of children in need.
Together we’re strong: From the outset, McDonald’s Kinderhilfe has been able to rely on the support it gets from McDonald’s and its franchise-holders. In addition, other firms and a host of celebrities, private individuals and promoters contribute to the foundation’s success.